surveillance for vandalism and names of owner of property

Requested under section: Private Investigators

Geographical area: elk grove, ca (California), 95758

Date: 06/11/2012

Private investigation service request

What do you need?

Surveillance for vandalism and names of owner of property

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Neighbors throwing big stones and lemons at windows of property in back fenced yard, coming by at night to kick the garage door at and using a large stone to break sprinkler system on side of house. police were called and spoke to neighbors behind the property who denied it, but next day they started at night driving by throwing rocks in front yard and at the close garage door. police said that when he went over at 11:30 pm, there were 7-8 kids, oldest 17, they said parents were out of town for weekend. they moved in the neighboorhood about a month ago. i believe, they are maybe a gang or close to it and that there obviously is no adult supervision or adults that condone the behaviour. my neighbor next door also had lemons thrown at people in his back yard during a party this past weekend. neighbor said he told them to stop or he will call the police. the police when i called took 3 hours to show up.

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Elk grove, ca



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