video or at least photographic evidence & a few oth things

Requested in the section: Private Investigators & Detectives

Date: 10/13/2011

Geographic area: Old Fort (North Carolina), 28762

Service needed

What service do you need?:

video or at least photographic evidence & a few oth things

Service description:

i am involved in a custody case where false accusations continue to be made against me. they are generally dismissed due to lack of any evidence. however the plantiff who keeps trying to catch me in the wrong has been breaking the court order herself consistently by allowing her son to live with her when he is only suppose to be there 4 hours max a week. i ahve been told by many people and also somewhat witnessed myself that he infact still resides there and even has our child alone at times, but certainly times when he is not permitted. i need to prove that the court order is constantly being broken by this woman who keeps trying to say i am beaking it. it would make a world of difference in my case.. he lives there but he hides out alot and they even go to different cities to have days out such as to the park or out to eat.. and his clothes are kept hidden in a shed outback the home. i need proof of thesethings Services requested: Others Region: North Carolina


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Old Fort


North Carolina

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