Compare quote requests of lawn & yard work
State: oklahoma
State: virginia
Blackberries are used for barriar on church property. need to be cut back at least 4 ft and hauled away. State: oregon
State: oklahoma
Any State: texas
Need three things in prep for putting my house on the market: 1) remove leaves from the edge of my back yard. No need to bag them, just put into the natural area. 2) lay 15 cu
State: texas
Just need a yard cleanup, trying to sell house,. I do need a quote by today or tomorrow. State: georgia
State: virginia
Need leaves removed. Are you interested in the work? State: missouri
State: virginia
Front and side yard leaf removal State: ohio
I would like an estimate for leaf removal at 1402 miami lake dr 45140..... State: ohio
Snow blowing (no plowing) of driveway. hand shoveling with poly/plastic shovel stamped concrete sidewalk and porch. State: minnesota
3/4 acre steep area. I have push moved in the past but area is overgrown. May need to use weedeater. Easy access. Has been bushhoged in the past.
3500 sq ft yard. Outskirts of dublin oh. -8 -
I have been traveling most of the summer and the flowre beds and landscaping are in desperate clean up needs, would also like lawn cut and trimmed and landscaping maintainerd rest of season
Pruning, weeding, pick up limbs and pine cones, no grass cutting
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