find a child

Requested under section: Private Investigators

Geographical area: San Antonio, possibly Corpus. (Texas), 78201

Date: 07/31/2013

Private investigation service request

What do you need?

Find a child

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Bio-mother, and bio-grandmother have six year old female child that they are illegally harbouring. Bio-mother failed to surrender custody of six year old child by court order to the san antonio police dept. After a court hearing that turned out in the father's favor. The mother at the time of the hearing was randomly drug screened, and tested positive for methamphetamine. There is history of at least 2 cps rescues of this child from bio-mother, and grandmother's possession. The bio-mother picked up the child from her school in april 2013, and fled. This child's father is desperately searching for his child that e bio-mother has consistently kept from him.

Where do you need the private investigator?


San antonio, possibly corpus.



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