The cheapest private Investagator for London ky

Requested under section: Private Investigators

Geographical area: london ky (Kentucky), 40744

Date: 01/04/2013

Private investigation service request

What do you need?

The cheapest private investagator for london ky

Services requested

Infidelity surveillance and/or checks

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I believe that my boyfriend is cheating on me. We have lived togather for going on a year now. But he works 3 shift and leaves me alone alot with my 9 yr old daughter. I need the investagator to follow him to work and survalence him. A girl called me and said she works with him and that they have been sleeping togather. He denies it. He wants us to get married but i need to know the truth about are realinship before he gives me my ring in febuary. I don't want to say yes if hes cheating. I need to see proof to believe it. I also believe he has a cell phone turned on that he uses to talk to her because he baught a new phone and carrys it around but says it has no minutes that he uses it to tell the time.he often goes out by himself and stays gone awhile and i have no way to contact him. I realy need someones help. Please. I love him. I don't want to be without him. I want to marrie him. But not if hes cheating. So i need to know before he pops the quistion.

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London ky



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