To ultimately be awarded correct amount of child support

Requested under section: Private Investigators

Geographical area: Barbourville (Kentucky), 40906

Date: 07/04/2012

Private investigation service request

What do you need?

To ultimately be awarded correct amount of child support

Services requested

Child support & investigations

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My 5 year old son's father has been "disabled" for about 15 years. He works daily for a friend of his doing residential, commercial & industrial electricity and makes almost $20 cash an hour. He made sure to bring everything to court to prove to the judge that his only income is a disability check, so the judge based his child support on that and my son gets $39.23 a month. I am outraged and i have tried for over 3 years now to get the social security office to further investigate for defrauding the government. He is cheating my son out of having what by law is rightfully his. This man is far from disabled. I just want him busted for his low down dirty ways and for my son to be awarded the correct amount of child support. I have much more information available. I am begging and pleading for this to be something that is affordable to have done. I am at my wits end with trying to use the right and only procedures i know of for reporting his fraudulent behavior.

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